How to Configure Shipping Charges?

One of the most important parts of selling online is to calculate, display, and configure shipping charges. While many commercials for make it look so easy to print a label and put it on the box, selecting an appropriate shipping policy with affordable...

Website Redesign – When and How

Redesign when your site looks dated. Depending on your business,  a website redesign should happen every 3 to 5 years. Utilizing Google Analytics is one of the most important criteria for when it’s time to act: Outdated websites typically show less user...

Managed Hosting With All the Bells and Whistles

Who Will Maintain Your Site? When we built a site for you, we give you two choices: 1. Use a Hosting Provider and Account of Your Choice This means we do not bear any responsibility for the technical health of your website. However, you may hire us for maintaining...

How To Keep Your Domain Safe

Your Domain is in danger – and you might not know it! Many small business owners with the website are not aware that there domain and website are in danger of being stolen or hacked. This article wants to alert you of the dangers and how to proceed when your...

How to Empty Your Browser Cache

Clearing the browser cache Many people frown when they hear the term “empty your browser cache” for the first time. In this article, we would like to explain what the browser cache is and how to empty it for several browsers. What is the browser cache...
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